

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 22966 sökträffar

Olof Johansson Stenman new member of the Climate Policy Council

Published 28 October 2024 The government has appointed Olof Johansson Stenman, professor of economics at the University of Gothenburg and a BECC PI, as a new member of the Climate Policy Council. "It is an honor, but above all, it is an important task that the council has," he says. The Climate Policy Council is an independent and interdisciplinary expert body that evaluates and reviews the govern

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/olof-johansson-stenman-new-member-climate-policy-council - 2025-03-15

Aggestam and True on gender and foreign policy

Published 9 March 2020 Karin Aggestam and Jacqui True are guest editors of a Special Issue on gender and foreign policy in the journal “Foreign Policy Analysis”. They have also co-authored the introductory article “Gendering Foreign Policy. Advancing a Comparative Framework for Analysis”. The Special Issue addresses the rise and resistance to pro-gender norms and feminist strategies in foreign pol

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/aggestam-and-true-gender-and-foreign-policy - 2025-03-15

Shai Mulinari has published three journal articles on drugs and public health

Published 3 July 2015 The articles concern first the Zelmid case, the first SSRI antidepressant in the journal Social Science & Medicine, second the use of broad migrant categories and third the question if maternal country of birth can be used to understand birthweight. Divergence and convergence of commercial and scientific priorities in drug development: the case of Zelmid, the first SSRI antid

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/shai-mulinari-has-published-three-journal-articles-drugs-and-public-health - 2025-03-15

womENtourage 2015

Published 12 December 2014 Apply for travel grants to attend womENtourage 2015! womENcourage is a scientific event, and also an event aimed at networking and exploring career opportunities for women in computer science and related disciplines. The program includes technical presentations and also discussions related to career issues in academic and industrial research. Following the success of the

https://www.wings.lu.se/article/womentourage-2015 - 2025-03-15

Lunch Seminar with Charlotte Sjödell

Published 29 March 2017 On March 24th at BMC, Lund University, WINGS hosted a lunch seminar with Charlotte Sjödell. Charlotte Sjödell is an industrial designer educated in the US. Charlotte used to be the Chief Designer of the European Colour and Materials Department at Ford Motor Company located in Germany. In 2003 she was listed as one of the most powerful people under 40 by the magazine Affärs

https://www.wings.lu.se/article/lunch-seminar-charlotte-sjodell - 2025-03-15

SASNET sponsors course at Lund University

Published 24 January 2020 The course takes place at the LU Centre for Theology and Religious Studies and deals with religious diversity in contemporary India. The course ”Brahmaner, imamer och heliga mödrar: religiös mångfald i dagens Indien” (Brahmins, Imams and Sacred Mothers: Religious Pluralism in Modern India) offers an introduction to the religious climate of today's India. Hindus, Buddhists

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/article/sasnet-sponsors-course-lund-university - 2025-03-15

The Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies and the Graduate School in Asian Studies joins the Nordic Asia Podcast

Published 22 February 2024 Photo by ConvertKit on Unsplash.com Want to stay up-to-date on Asian affairs and research in the Nordics and beyond? Tune in to the Nordic Asia Podcast! The Nordic Asia Podcast is a collaboration between the following academic partners: Asia Centre, University of Tartu (Estonia), Asian Studies, University of Helsinki (Finland), Centre for Asian Studies, Vytautas Magnus U

https://www.ace.lu.se/article/centre-east-and-south-east-asian-studies-and-graduate-school-asian-studies-joins-nordic-asia-podcast - 2025-03-15

New brief about climate change, ecosystems and species

Published 8 May 2014 Lapland Longspur is one of the species that is affected by climate change. Photo: Åke Lindström Henrik Smith, coordinator of BECC, has written the policy brief "Klimatförändring, ekosystem och arter". Read about how the ongoing climate change affects both ecosystems and species. The ongoing climate change is already affecting the earth's species and ecosystems on land, in lake

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/new-brief-about-climate-change-ecosystems-and-species - 2025-03-15

Bäck on threats, emotions, and affective polarization

Published 8 September 2023 Does a perceived threat increase affective polarization? And what is the role of emotional reactions to threat in increasing hostility and bias toward other parties’ supporters? Professor Hanna Bäck, Department of Political Science, Lund University. Hanna Bäck has together with Emma Renström and Royce Carroll analyzed these questions in two experimental studies performed

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/back-threats-emotions-and-affective-polarization - 2025-03-16

Mobile Lab on Sharing Practices in Malmö

Published 26 March 2018 On 7 March 2018, IIIEE researchers Yuliya Voytenko Palgan, Kes McCormick, Charlotte Leire and Jagdeep Singh together with representatives from Malmö City Oscar Pelin and Viktoria Hoffman, and Bike Kitchen leader Jesper Berseus explored sharing practices in Malmö through a mobile lab. The team met with sharing economy enthusiasts, entrepreneurs and city representatives, and

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/mobile-lab-sharing-practices-malmo - 2025-03-16

Demand-side approaches for limiting global warming to 1.5 °C

Published 24 August 2018 A timely special issue that explores policies and sectoral measures to keep the 1.5 °C target within reach Luis Mundaca at the IIIEE together with colleagues from Central European University and University of East Anglia have just concluded the special issue on Demand-side approaches for limiting global warming to 1.5 °C, published in Energy Efficiency.  The special issues

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/demand-side-approaches-limiting-global-warming-15-degc - 2025-03-16